Little Lindsey is now a sunbeam! I can hardly believe it. I feel like I had her yesterday, but that is how I feel abou all of our kids. She loves it BUT only if I stay with her the entire time! Church is now from 1-4 which is nap time for Jake. Danny stays in nursrey with Jake or brings him to the car because he is so tired and I stay in Primary with Lindsey. WE LOVE IT!!!! But with a little more encouragement I think Lindsey will be fine! Her teacher is wonderful and Lindsey can't wait to see her each week. So we are crossing our fingers!

We have had a great couple of weeks with beautiful weather, lot's of fun park days with friends and over all just a feeling of gratitude for our blessings, namely the four little munchkins. One of my friends Raimi has alot of great quotes on her blog, I especially like this one:
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have." Those certainly are word worth aspiring for. We have such wonderful family and friends and we truely are so blessed. Have a Fabulous week!